​In accordance with Article 10.20.3 of the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA-US) and ICSID Arbitration Rule 37(2), the Tribunal invites any person or entity that is not a Disputing Party in these arbitration proceedings or a Contracting Party to DR-CAFTA-US to make a written application to the Tribunal for permission to file submissions as an amicus curiae.

All such written applications should:

(1) be emailed to ICSID at icsidsecretariat@worldbank.org by Wednesday, 16 June 2010;

(2) in no case exceed 20 pages in all (including the appendix described below);

(3) be made in one of the languages of these proceedings, i.e. English or Spanish;

(4) be dated and signed by the person or by an authorized signatory for the entity making the application verifying its contents, with address and other contact details;

(5) describe the identity and background of the applicant, the nature of any membership if it is an organization and the nature of any relationships to the Disputing Parties and any Contracting Party;

(6) disclose whether the applicant has received, directly or indirectly, any financial or other material support from any Disputing Party, Contracting Party or from any person connected with the subject-matter of these arbitration proceedings;

(7) specify the nature of the applicant’s interest in these arbitration proceedings prompting its application;

(8) include (as an appendix to the application) a copy of the applicant’s written submissions to be filed in these arbitration proceedings, assuming permission is granted by the Tribunal for such filing, such submissions to address only matters within the scope of the subject-matter of these arbitration proceedings; and

(9) explain, insofar as not already answered, the reason(s) why the Tribunal should grant permission to the applicant to file its written submissions in these arbitration proceedings as an amicus curiae.

Pursuant to CAFTA Article 10.21.2, a webcast of the oral hearing on preliminary objections held on 31 May and 1 June 2010, is available at the Centre’s website.