In fiscal year 2021, 18 Member States nominated 84 individuals to ICSID’s Panel of Arbitrators and of Conciliators.

Panel members are vital to the effective functioning of the international investment dispute settlement system. For example, appointments to annulment committees must be made by the Chairman of the ICSID Administrative Council from the Panel of Arbitrators.

With nearly 700 designees, the Panels also provide a diverse and qualified pool of arbitrators and conciliators for parties to consider when making appointments in ICSID cases.

Each ICSID Member State may designate up to four persons—of any nationality—to each Panel. In addition, up to ten persons may be designated by the Chairman of the ICSID Administrative Council. Each designee normally serves for a renewable six-year term.

From July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, designations to the ICSID Panels were made by the governments of Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, El Salvador, Jordan, Republic of Korea, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, the Netherlands, St. Lucia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, the United Kingdom, and Uzbekistan.

The names of these designees and the effective dates of their terms in office are listed below.

The complete list of the members of the ICSID Panels of Arbitrators and of Conciliators is updated on a regular basis and can be found here


Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective December 17, 2020:
Claudia Annacker, Markus Burgstaller

Panel of Arbitrators
Re-designations effective December 17, 2020:
August Reinisch, Christoph H. Schreuer

Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective December 17, 2020:
Anne-Karin Grill, Ursula Kriebaum, Franz Schwarz, Michael Waibel


Panel of Arbitrators
Re-designation effective March 17, 2021:
Jan Paulsson

Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective March 17, 2021:
Kathryn Khamsi, Maxi Scherer, Nassib G Ziade

Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective March 17, 2021:
Aysha Abdulla Mutaywea, Fatema Al-Arayedh, Aamal Al Abbasi, Abdulla Ibrahim Al-Khalifa


Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective April 26, 2021:
Moin Ghani, Rumana Islam

Panel of Conciliators
Designation effective April 26, 2021:
Md Tafazzul Islam


Panel of Arbitrators
Re-designation effective February 5, 2021:
Gaëtan Verhoosel

Panel of Conciliators
Re-designation effective February 5, 2021:
Joost Pauwelyn


Panels of Arbitrators and Conciliators
Designations effective February 5, 2021:
Sigfredo Figueroa, Harold Lantan, Marcela Castillo, Rafael Muñoz*


Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective December 10, 2020:
Kamel Alalaween, Rajaie Dajani, Tariq Hammouri, Aiman Odeh

Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective December 10, 2020:
Salaheddin Al-Bashir, Mohammad Nsour, Nabil Rabah, Mosleh Tarawneh


Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective May 20, 2021:
Pyung-Keun Kang, Seung Wha Chang

Panel of Arbitrators
Re-designation effective May 20, 2021:
Hi-Taek Shin

Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective May 20, 2021:
Junha Kang, Dukgeun Ahn, Hong-Sik Chung, Aera Han


Panels of Arbitrators and Conciliators
Re-designation effective February 5, 2021:
Raed Fathallah


Panel of Arbitrators
Re-designation effective March 16, 2021:
Gintautas Barkus

Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective March 16, 2021:
Simona Drukteiniene, Solveiga Paleviciene


Panels of Arbitrators and Conciliators
Designation effective May 12, 2021:
Khoo Guan Huat

Panels of Arbitrators and Conciliators
Re-designations effective May 12, 2021:
Steve Shim Lip Kiang, Cecil W.M. Abraham, Mohd Ali


Panel of Arbitrators
Re-designation effective July 9, 2021:
Albert Jan van den Berg

Panel of Conciliators
Re-designation effective July 9, 2021:
Mauritius Wijffels

Panels of Arbitrators and Conciliators
Re-designations effective July 9, 2021:
Arthur S. Hartkamp, Jacomijn J. van Haersolte-van Hof, Melanie van Leeuwen


Panels of Arbitrators and Conciliators
Re-designation effective May 7, 2021:
Brian King


Panel of Arbitrators
Re-designations effective January 19, 2021:
Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, Paolo Michele Patocchi

Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective January 19, 2021:
Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Matthias Scherer

Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective January 19, 2021:
Franz X. Stirnimann, Bernhard F. Meyer, Mercédeh Azeredo da Silveira, Krista Nadaka Vukaren Schefer


Panels of Arbitrators and of Conciliators
Designations effective June 9, 2021:
Ferhat Horchani*, Walid Ben Hamida*


Panels of Arbitrators and Conciliators 
Designations effective July 3, 2020 
Miriam K. Harwood, Ali R. Gursel 


Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective February 5, 2021:
Robina Kisubi Shonubi, Peters K. Musoke, Geoffrey Kiryabwire, Remigius Kyononeka Kasule*

Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective February 5, 2021:
Rose Lillian Lubwama, David Bakibinga*, Joseph Enyimu


Panel of Conciliators and Arbitrators
Designations effective October 30, 2020:
Christopher Harris, Wendy J. Miles

Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective October 30, 2020:
Ian S. Forrester, Jan Kleinheisterkamp 

Panel of Arbitrators
Designation effective October 30, 2020:
Daniel Bethlehem 

Panel of Arbitrators
Re-designation effective October 30, 2020:
Christopher Greenwood


Panel of Arbitrators
Re-designation effective July 21, 2020:
Carolyn B. Lamm

Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective July 21, 2020:
Lisa M. Richman, Islambek Rustambekov

Panel of Arbitrators
Designation effective September 23, 2020:
Diana Bayzakova

Panel of Conciliators
Designation effective September 23, 2020:
Foziljon Otahonov*


* Pending acceptance