​The Centre maintains a Panel of Conciliators and a Panel of Arbitrators pursuant to Articles 12-16 of the ICSID Convention. Each ICSID Contracting State may designate up to four persons to each Panel. The designees may, but need not, be nationals of the designating country. In addition, up to ten persons may be designated by the Chairman of the ICSID Administrative Council. Each designee normally serves for a renewable term of six years.

Since the last release of May 8, 2013, designations to the ICSID Panels have been made by the governments of the Afghanistan, Armenia, Bahrain, Democratic Republic of Congo, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Timor-Leste, and Zimbabwe. The names of these designees and the effective dates of their terms in office are listed below.

The complete list of the members of the ICSID Panels of Conciliators and of Arbitrators is updated on a regular basis and can be found here.


Panels of Conciliators and of Arbitrators
Designations effective February 11, 2014:
Abdul Sulaiman Ghafoori, Phillip James Walker
Panel of Conciliators


Designations effective February 11, 2014:
Nazir Kabiri, Mohamed Khalid Payenda


Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective February 11, 2014:


Abdullah Dowrani, Abdurrahman Mujahid


Panels of Conciliators and of Arbitrators
Designation effective June 26, 2013:
Yeghishe Kirakosyan, Garegin Melkonyan, Aram Orbelyan, Thomas J. Samuelian
Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective July 8, 2013:
Khalid Hamad Abdulrahman, Huda Hussain Al Maskati, Yusuf Humood, Aref Saleh Khamis
Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective September 25, 2013:
Kolongele Eberande, Luaba Nkuna
Panel of Arbitrators
Designation effective September 25, 2013:
Mwilanya Wilondja
Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective December 14, 2013:
Vladimír Balaš, Daniela Christina Devereaux, Alexandr Mareš
Panels of Conciliators and of Arbitrators
Designation effective May 13, 2013:
Asko Pohla
Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective June 5, 2013:
Veijo Heiskanen, Leif Sèvon
Panels of Conciliators and of Arbitrators
Designation effective November 28, 2013:
Paul Friedland
Panel of Conciliators
Designation effective November 28, 2013:
Thomas H. Lee
Panel of Arbitrators
Designation effective November 28, 2013:
Brigitte Stern
Panel of Arbitrators
Designation effective February 4, 2014:
Rolf Knieper
Panel of Conciliators
Designation effective September 5, 2013:
Patricia Nacimiento
Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective December 14, 2013:
Anke Meier, Stephan Schill, Sebastian Seelmann-Eggebert
Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective September 5, 2013:
Karl-Heinz BÖckstiegel, Inka Hanefeld, Sabine Konrad, Klaus Sachs
Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective January 27, 2014:
Ioannis C. Dryllerakis, Harry Kyriazis, Michael Marinos, Loannis Vassardanis
Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective January 27, 2014:
Antonias C. Dimolitsa, Loukas Mistelis, Evanghelos Perakis, Michael Stathopoulos
Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective May 5, 2014:
János Burai-Kovács, Kolos Kardkovács, Miklós Király, Attila Menyhárd
Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective May 5, 2014:
Jean Engelmayer Kalicki, Pèter GyÖrfi-Toth, János Martonyi, István Varga
Panel of Conciliators
Designation effective January 24, 2014:
Ziedonis Udris
Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective January 24, 2014:
Andis Auza, Inga Kačevska, Eva Kalniņa, Mārtiņš Paparinskis
Panel of Arbitrators
Designation effective November 12, 2013:
Campbell Alan McLachlan
Panel of Arbitrators
Designation effective June 10, 2013:
David A.R. Williams
Panels of Conciliators and of Arbitrators
Designations effective July 8, 2013:
Yahya A. Alyahya, Abdulrahman Ibrahim Alhumaid, Ziad Bin Abdulrahman Al-Sudairy, Sherif Omar Hassan
Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective December 1, 2013:
S. Jayakumar, Tommy Koh, George Lim, Chelva Rajah
Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective December 1, 2013:
Lawrence Boo, Cavinder Bull, Sek Keong Chan, Sundaresh Menon
Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective July 15, 2013:
Mark A. Clodfelter, Václav Mikulka, Peter Tomka
Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective November 15, 2013:
Lars Edlund, Christina Ramberg, Eric M. Runesson, Claes Zettermarck
Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective November 15, 2013;
Kaj Hobèr, Lena Frånstedt Lofalk, Bo G. H. Nilsson, Christer SÖderlund
Panels of Conciliators and of Arbitrators
Designations effective August 22, 2013:
Pierre Richard Prosper, Yu-Jin Tay
Panel of Conciliators
Designations effective October 28, 2013:
T. Bere, C. Dube, P. Dube, M. Matshiya
Panel of Arbitrators
Designations effective October 28, 2013:
S. J. Chihambakwe, M. S. Gwaunza, V. Mudimu, L. Uriri