The Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (the ICSID Convention) was signed today on behalf of the Republic of Iraq by H.E. Dr. Sami Raouf Al-Araji, Chairman of the National Investment Commission. Dr. Al-Araji was accompanied at the signing ceremony by other representatives of the Government of Iraq and Embassy officials, including H.E. Ambassador Lukman Faily. The signing ceremony was also attended by officials and staff of the World Bank and ICSID, and other guests. Following the signing, Dr. Al-Araji deposited with the World Bank Iraq’s Instrument of Ratification of the Convention.
In accordance with its Article 68(2), the ICSID Convention will enter into force for Iraq on December 17, 2015.
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Ms. Milanka Kostadinova, Team Leader/ICSID Legal Counsel, with H.E. Dr. Sami R. Al-Araji,
Chairman of the National Investment Commission of Iraq, at the signing of the ICSID Convention,
Washington D.C., November 17, 2015, Franz Mahr, World Bank