​The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) was asked to participate in a Workshop of the International Trade Committee of the European Parliament on April 1, 2014 in Brussels, Belgium.

The speech of the ICSID Secretary-General is now available here, together with the PowerPoint presentation used during that presentation. For a full version of the Workshop, please see here.

ICSID generated statistics, as of March 1, 2014, specific to the European Union and has now issued a special focus issue of statistics regarding the European Union. ICSID comprehensive statistics can be found at: the ICSID Caseload - Statistics.

This issue focusing on the European Union demonstrates that:

  • 12% of all ICSID cases involve a State Party from the European Union (55 cases total)
  • 75% of these cases invoke a BIT and 25% the Energy Charter Treaty. 73% were initiated by a juridical person and 16% by a natural person.
  • In the cases that were not settled by the parties but decided by a tribunal, 69% cases resulted in the claims being dismissed on jurisdiction or on the merits.