​On November 6, 2013, ICSID and the Lagos Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration signed an updated collaboration agreement. The Agreement on General Arrangements Between the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and the Lagos Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization ("the Agreement") was signed by Ms. Eunice Oddiri, Director of the Centre, and Secretary-General of ICSID, Meg Kinnear.

The Agreement between ICSID and the Lagos Regional Centre was originally signed on November 26, 2003. The present Agreement supersedes the previous version and further encourages cooperation and knowledge sharing between the two institutions. To mark this event, Secretary-General Kinnear and ICSID Senior Counsel Aurélia Antonietti gave a presentation overviewing ICSID practice and procedure. The presentation was attended by more than 75 counsel, arbitrators and academics from Nigeria.