​On October 10, 2014, the ICSID Administrative Council held its 48th Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. The Administrative Council passed three resolutions. It approved the 2014 Annual Report of ICSID, adopted the Annual Budget of ICSID for FY2015, and re-elected Meg Kinnear as Secretary-General for a further term of 6 years.

As the new Annual Report reveals, progress at ICSID continued. In the past year, ICSID welcomed Canada as the 150th Member State, and the Republic of San Marino as the 159th signatory State to the ICSID Convention. The caseload grew and over the year ICSID administered 209 proceedings, the most ever administered in a single fiscal year. The number of new cases registered remained steady, with 40 new cases registered, bringing the overall number of ICSID cases to 473. ICSID Contracting States made a number of new designations to the ICSID Panels of Arbitrators and of Conciliators. A total of 590 individuals currently serve on the ICSID Panels.

Further details are available in the 2014 Annual Report and on this website.