​Founded in 1986, the ICSID Review—Foreign Investment Law Journal is a specialized periodical devoted exclusively to foreign investment law and international investment dispute settlement. The ICSID Review offers legal and business professionals an up-to-date review of the field and includes articles, case comments, documents, and book reviews on the law and practice relating to foreign investments as well as the procedural and substantive law governing investment dispute resolution.

Beginning in 2012, the ICSID Review will be published by Oxford University Press. This new partnership will enable subscribers to the ICSID Review to benefit from the full range of online functionality offered by Oxford Journals, including continuous publication, related article recommendations, and a fully optimized mobile site.

Meg Kinnear, Secretary-General of ICSID, and Campbell McLachlan QC, will serve as Co-Editors-in-Chief of the ICSID Review. Professor McLachlan is Professor of Law at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. He is also an associate member of Bankside Chambers (Auckland & Singapore) and an overseas member of Essex Court Chambers (London). He is a member of the ICSID List of Arbitrators, appointed by New Zealand, has served as an arbitrator in numerous investment arbitration cases and published extensively in this field.

ICSID is now seeking expressions of interest from qualified individuals who wish to serve on the Editorial Advisory Board or as peer reviewers for the ICSID Review for two-year terms, renewable with the approval of the Editors-in-Chief. To be eligible for consideration, individuals must have demonstrated expertise in the fields of international investment law and arbitration, public international law, or international business transactions. Members of the Editorial Advisory Board will assist the Editors-in-Chief in selecting articles and themes and will provide substantive editing assistance for certain articles that have been selected for publication. Peer reviewers may be called upon from time-to-time to conduct an anonymous review of an article whose subject matter touches on their expertise. Editorial Advisory Board Members and peer reviewers serve on a voluntary basis and will not be remunerated.

We ask anyone interested in serving as a Member of the Editorial Advisory Board or as a peer reviewer to send an expression of interest along with a CV by email to icsidsecretariat@worldbank.org no later than January 23, 2012. Please include your CV, contact information, qualifications, languages, and areas of expertise.

In addition, articles, case comments and other submissions proposed for publication are most welcome and should also be sent to icsidsecretariat@worldbank.org.