Prof Andrea Bjorklund Photo.jpg​ICSID is pleased to announce that Professor Andrea Bjorklund, a Full Professor and the L. Yves Fortier Chair in International Arbitration and International Commercial Law at the McGill University Faculty of Law in Montreal, Canada, will be working with ICSID as its first Scholar in Residence.

Professor Bjorklund is a renowned expert in international arbitration and international investment and trade law. She has published extensively in these disciplines, and has worked on a number of international investment disputes as a former member of the NAFTA arbitration team in the U.S. Department of State's Office of the Legal Adviser. Professor Bjorklund has taught these and related subjects at, inter alia, McGill, the University of California (Davis) School of Law, the Arbitration Academy in Paris, and at Tsinghua University School of Law in Beijing, and as a Bigelow Fellow at the Chicago Law School.

As Scholar in Residence, Professor Bjorklund will work on a number of special assignments with the ICSID Secretariat, including projects to commemorate the forthcoming 50th Anniversary of the ICSID Convention. The ICSID Scholar in Residence is a new initiative which complements ICSID's role in furthering the development of international investment law and practice. This initiative will also enhance ICSID's capacity to provide technical assistance to better serve member States and will promote knowledge creation, sharing and dissemination in the fields of international conciliation, arbitration and foreign investment law.