Upcoming Events

- | Bangkok

Thailand ADR Week 2024

- | Addis Ababa

The East Africa Arbitration Conference 2024

- | Prague

14th Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference

| Washington, D.C.

Africa Arbitration Day

- | Buenos Aires

South Cone International Disputes Forum

| Hong Kong

ADR in Asia Conference 2024

- | Johannesburg, South Africa

South African Centre for Excellence Program on Investment Arbitration

Past Events

| Washington, D.C.

#YoungITATalks Washington D.C.

- | London

London International Disputes Week 2024

| Abu Dhabi

Second Edition of the Civil Law Conference

| Washington, D.C.

The Legacy of Johnny Veeder

- | Jodhpur

International Deal Negotiation Competition

| Paris

MENA Arbitration Forum

- | Washington, D.C.

Washington Arbitration Week

| Seoul

ADR Special Session on ISDS Reform