Le CIRDI a le plaisir de vous annoncer la publication de Building International Investment Law: The First 50 Years of ICSID. Cet ouvrage célèbre les cinquante premières années du CIRDI en analysant les affaires emblématiques qui ont été traitées sous son égide.

Des experts analysent tous les aspects des différends relatifs aux investissements, allant des questions de compétence aux obligations substantielles, et couvrant des questions générales de droit international ainsi que de nouvelles problématiques procédurales, à partir d’une ou plusieurs affaires célèbres.

Ce recueil de près de 800 pages sera informatif pour les juristes expérimentés en droit des investissements et d’un grand intérêt éducatif pour les académiques, les étudiants et les praticiens s’initiant à cette matière.
L’ouvrage est disponible pour achat sur le site de Kluwer Law International ici.

Building International Investment Law: The First 50 Years of ICSID
PART I: General Principles
CHAPTER 1: Applicable Law under the ICSID Convention: The Tortured History of the Interpretation of Article 42 
W. Michael Reisman & Mahnoush H. Arsanjani
CHAPTER 2: Rules of Interpretation and Investment Arbitration
Laurence Boisson de Chazournes
CHAPTER 3: The Use of the ILC’s Attribution Rules in Investment Arbitration
James Crawford & Paul Mertenskötter
CHAPTER 4: On Burden and Standard of Proof
Gary B. Born
CHAPTER 5: Res Judicata
Charles N. Brower & Paula F. Henin
CHAPTER 6: Precedent & Jurisprudence Constante
Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf & Guled Yusuf
PART II: Jurisdiction
CHAPTER 7: The Tipping Point
Jan Paulsson
CHAPTER 8: The Long March towards a Jurisprudence Constante on the Notion of Investment
Emmanuel Gaillard & Yas Banifatemi
CHAPTER 9: Legality of Investment
Jean Kalicki, Dmitri Evseev & Mallory Silberman
CHAPTER 10: Criteria to Determine Investor Nationality (Juridical Persons)
Pierre Tercier & Nhu-Hoang Tran Thang
CHAPTER 11: Criteria to Determine Investor Nationality (Natural Persons)
Christoph Schreuer
CHAPTER 12: Continuous Nationality Rule in Investor-State Arbitration
Piero Bernardini
CHAPTER 13: Restructuring Investments to Achieve Investment Treaty Protection
Stephen Jagusch, Anthony Sinclair & Manthi Wickramasooriya
CHAPTER 14: The Meaning of “Foreign Control” under Article 25(2)(B) of the ICSID Convention
V.V. Veeder & Andrew Legg
CHAPTER 15: Indirect Shareholder Claims
Gabriel Bottini
CHAPTER 16: Preconditions to Arbitration and Consent of States to ICSID Jurisdiction
Pierre-Marie Dupuy
CHAPTER 17: Waiver of Local Remedies and Limitation Periods
Andrea K. Bjorklund
CHAPTER 18: Maffezini v. Plama: Reflections on the Jurisprudential Schism in the Application of Most- Favored-Nation Clauses to Matters of Dispute Settlement
Stephan W. Schill
PART III: Standards of Protection
CHAPTER 19: The Minimum Standard of Treatment, Glamis Gold, and Neer’s Enduring Influence
Jeremy K. Sharpe
CHAPTER 20: Fair and Equitable Treatment: Legitimate Expectations and Transparency
Lucy Reed & Simon Consedine
CHAPTER 21: Fair and Equitable Treatment: Denial of Justice
Margrete Stevens & Doak Bishop
CHAPTER 22: Arbitrary and Discriminatory Treatment
Vaughan Lowe
CHAPTER 23: The Evolution of the Full Protection and Security Standard
Stanimir A. Alexandrov
CHAPTER 24: Property Rights as the Object of an Expropriation
Zachary Douglas
CHAPTER 25: Indirect Expropriation
L. Yves Fortier & Stephen L. Drymer
CHAPTER 26: Effective Means to Assert Claims and Enforce Rights
Oscar M. Garibaldi
CHAPTER 27: The Umbrella Clause
Andrés Rigo Sureda
CHAPTER 28: National Treatment
August Reinisch
CHAPTER 29: Most-Favored-Nation Treatment: Substantive Protection
David D. Caron & Esmé Shirlow
CHAPTER 30: Performance Requirements
Barton Legum & Ioana Petculescu
PART IV: Exceptions, Defenses and Counterclaims
CHAPTER 31: The Consequences of Corruption in Investor-State Arbitration
Carolyn B. Lamm & Andrea J. Menaker
CHAPTER 32: Police Powers or the State’s Right to Regulate
Alain Pellet
CHAPTER 33: Denial of Benefits after Plama v. Bulgaria
Mark Feldman
CHAPTER 34: Defenses Based on Necessity Under Customary International Law and on Emergency Clauses in Bilateral Investment Treaties
Peter Tomka
CHAPTER 35: Countermeasures and Investment Arbitration
Donald McRae
CHAPTER 36: Counterclaims
Anne K. Hoffmann
PART V: Valuation and Cost Considerations
CHAPTER 37: Assessing Damages: Valuation Standards
John Y. Gotanda
CHAPTER 38: The Impact of Contributory Investor Conduct: Only with Difficulty Commensurable
Mark Kantor
CHAPTER 39: Allocation of Costs
Donald Francis Donovan
CHAPTER 40: Security for Costs: Authority of the Tribunal and Third-Party Funding
Eduardo Zuleta
PART VI: Procedural and Other Matters
CHAPTER 41: The Role of Dissenting Opinions
Albert Jan van den Berg
CHAPTER 42: ICSID Arbitration Rule 41(5) Objections
Antonio R. Parra
CHAPTER 43: Consolidation and Parallel Proceedings
Eduardo Silva Romero
CHAPTER 44: And Others: Mass Claims in ICSID Arbitration
Veijo Heiskanen
CHAPTER 45: Interim/Provisional Measures
Brigitte Stern
CHAPTER 46: Quo Vadis Disqualification?
Marc Lalonde
CHAPTER 47: Conflict of Interest for Arbitrators and/or Counsel
Philippe Sands
CHAPTER 48: A Case for Transparency in Investment Arbitration
Toby Landau & Romesh Weeramantry
CHAPTER 49: Amicus Curiae in ICSID Arbitration
J. Christopher Thomas
CHAPTER 50: Annulment
Hi-Taek Shin